Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Own Personal Clouds

I stepped out on the deck at 4:00 AM, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Perseid Meteor shower..

Not only did I set myself up by being just this side of late (the best viewing time was supposed to be between 2:00 and 4:00 AM; come on, I'm dedicated to nature, but probably not THAT dedicated), but the Universe seemed to oblige in obscuring my chances with a bright full moon, and a misty cloud cover.

I laughed at myself out there alone in my pajamas, listening to the August crickets. But it was cool, and rather nice. So I took myself out the front door instead of the back, eliminating some of the benevolent moon glare and peered hopefully upwards.


But then as I waited for the briefest of moments, I noticed stars in the spaces between the clouds. As I looked skyward, more appeared.

Actually, that was not true. They didn't appear. They were there all the time. It was only my personal cloud cover that obscured the fact that they were riding up there, steadfast, not bothered one whit by my lack of vision.

Metaphors and analogies abounded. My mind whirled with the vast implications. Then I stepped on an acorn in bare feet and my poetic thoughts turned to something else. It figures, I thought. That's what I get for philosophy before dawn.

But then, as I turned to go back inside with my sore foot, a bright meteor shot just off the corner of my eyesight. After all, that is where magic happens...

I got the joke. Personal clouds or not, stars, meteors and wonder ride just on the other side of my own bias and misty concerns. And once in a while, one pierces through with laughter just to keep us reminded.

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